Mine Closure 2024 Site Visit

26–28 November 2024 | The Westin Perth, Western Australia

Hanson Site Visit

Hanson Gaskell Sand Quarry Visit

Friday 29 November 2024

Hanson’s Gaskell Avenue sand operation at Lexia is about 30 minutes’ drive north of Perth, Western Australia. The area comprises approximately 571 hectares of land that sites within the Swan Coastal Plain and forms part of the South West Australian Floristic Region, one the world’s global biodiversity hotspots. 

It is a world-leading quarry providing high-grade construction and silica sand to Perth and many countries globally, including Asia.  The sand quarry is world renown for its beyond compliance restoration and 30-year research partnership Hanson has with the Botanic Parks and Garden Authority (Kings Park).  Hanson Australia has supported 30 higher degree research student programs, including 13 PhDs, in partnership with The University of Western Australia, with additional PhDs being completed as a result of Hanson’s involvement with Curtin’s Centre for Mine Site Restoration. It is also the basis upon which much of “Banksia Woodlands A restoration guide for the Swan Coastal Plain” was written. 

About the tour

More information on the tour itinerary to be advised.

What to bring

To attend, participants must be dressed in full length shirt and pants (no chinos) and wear sturdy closed in shoes.